Sunday, 31 January 2016

Hijab Day..... Febuary 1st

Let my hijab be
Its my supreme Lord decree
Its the beauty the world refuse to see
Its a sign of modesty
To protect me from various form of promiscuity
Giving me inner peace and tranquillity

Its a monument for Muslim self consciousness
Its an avenue for world wide awareness
Its the period for Muslim to understand their root
Its time for the world to uphold the truth

My hijab
Its makes me beautiful and stunning
It makes me proud and happy
It make me sweeter than the joy in taking honey
Makes me unique among those who look shabby

Adhering to my Lord instruction
And upholding His DEVINE injunction
My hijab is a drug with detail prescription
Shouldn't be condemn or seen as an abomination
But should be shown some level of appreciation

Its my hijab I will never remove
Its my pride which makes my soul improve
Its my identity is all I have so say
Covering myself will hide my charm sway
Its is the peace that showed me light
Its my strength which made my spirit bright
Its my compass which gives me a guide
Its my love that makes my faith high

Let the world understand hijab is the cure
Deep in my soul I feel calm and pure
It gives me guidance and I will never regret
Its a part of me the world should respect


Sunday, 24 January 2016


Your eyes
So pure and wide
I saw your eyes shinning so bright
The illuminate with dazzling light
I fell for them at all sight
I love your eyes, those twinkling eyes
They speak a thousand things
It glows and I drown in its intensity

Your eyes
In it I saw my 'paradise'
It evoke myriad memories
And leaves an imprint on me
I consider myself lucky enough
To have experienced it's warmth
Every time I look into your eyes
I'm lost in innumerable memories
Then forgetting the world behind me

Your eyes
When I am looking into your eyes
I see all the love you have for me
I saw the trust you have in me
I see in your eyes you care for me a lot
And I will do whatever it takes to have you in my life
When am looking into your eyes
It tells me you'll never leave me
You will always stay by my side
To protect and cherish me

Your eyes
When I am looking into your eyes
I see with you everything seems possible
And my problem is now flexible
I see in your eyes your love is everything
Than just being the Apple of my eye!

That eyes
Sometimes they changed to red
I began to tell myself "boy you are dead"
I began to wonder is these the same friend
Well I move with the flow and pretend
Soon I realize it was only 'those for me to tell'
It's priceless I can't sell
But when they speak
The sound I could tell, which sound like a bell
That  warns me, "be careful, beware"

I wrote you these poem
And I signed it away
I hope you'll love of
And maybe you'll stay
Well you didn't write back
I poured out my heart out
Is there something I lack?
Even there is no 'point'
I simply kept writing
Not sure if I have disappoint
I am not appointed, well I guess that's not the point
"Your eyes makes me wise"

Friday, 22 January 2016

Do not accept the truth from one your respect, but respect the truth forming the one you accept #Harnasky™

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


I sat down to write my poems
I look up at my big small little clock
I sat there feeling overwhelmed
Wow! I love the writer's block
I wish you could join us, the best club

I did put pen to paper
With the feeling of the worst going to be better
With my future hoping to be better
I couldn't stop now or never
But then I lift it up
I feel joy and happiness erupt

Each thought I wrote out
Each and every single emotions I let out
Every single feelings I thought about
Sooner I even forgot what my poems were all  about

I let out the giant in me, I found my rhythm
It was like a hit or miss
I put them down even in pieces
Maybe I might find solace, comfort and peace
But I finally finished it, and ended up with this...


Saturday, 16 January 2016


Suleya the girl of integrity and honour
Suleya  the girl with responsibilities having a great sense of humour
Suleya the girl wanted and needed by various suitors
Suleya the girl appreciated and applauded by numerous authors
Suleya the girl with dignity always respect the laws
Suleya  the girl filled with smile yet apprehended with different rumours
Suleya the girl with soft kind hearted heart of tremor
Suleya the girl filled with experience seen things worst than horror
Suleya the girl with strength ruling above all terror

For her beauty illuminate the light in the shadows
Creates chances when opportunity seems hollow
Accept and make decision even when the risk seem shallow
She take chances when the part seems narrow
Suleya the girl with experience of pain and sorrow
Behind her smiles her beauty glows

Thursday, 14 January 2016


I have being applauded knowing that am pretty
But I have to be cautious not to lose my Viginity
Its my pride my dignity
It's my property my sign of fidelity
I won't allow anyone within my vicinity.
Its an honour a sign of purity
For its my first, my optimum priority
I will protect with my strongest security
Won't give room for error of proximity
Or join my flocks in their deluded immorality
The call my devotion poverty
I told them its a gesture of loyalty
A beautiful act of humility
All in the name of money the commit atrocities
So sad I felt for them pity
So bad there aren't aware of their insanity
I am different having my unique personality
Am protected by Allah's DEVINE immunity
There reward is to face the calamity (H.I.V)
If they don't repent hell is their eternity
He is most forgiving, repent and he shall grant you new identity
And you'll be amongst the community
Of those who will be at the great city(Al-jannah)
May he over look our individual atrocity
With is benevolent act of generosity
My virginity, my humanity, my steadfastness granting sovereignty within my vicinity (virginity)

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Doesn't pick the signals showing people like Rihanna
But prefers to show discussion about shaba like Anas
And channels discussing the word of the Almighty planner
Showing us the attitude of the best by of all learner (Muhammad)
The most perfect among world wide recognize learners
Isn't attracted to the stations beautiful banners
But rather its attitude and it's blissful manners
Fascinated about the discussion of the true killers(terrorist)
Who tries to paint Islam bad, the beat religion forever

My Antenna
Isn't showing station discussing about pious believers
But also words of wisdom from thoughtful writers
Captivating speech from loving heart winners
Pays attention to correct bad habit of all sinners
Acknowledging the efforts of...... Readers

My Antenna
Focus on more important people like 'Anas'
Appreciated by all welcoming viewers
Loved by all inclined subscribers
Best signal captivating discussion loved by both mothers and fathers
Not acknowledged by delusion brothers and sisters
Abused by numerous haters and media robbers
Both in public and private sector workers
Left out not even governmental officials
Yet the most proclaimed by world wide Islamic scholars

My Antenna
Isn't about secluded sentimental decision
But by optimistic and judgemental discussion
Recognize through polite and calm interaction
An organization known as the 'peace institution'
Confronted by various environmental and media pollution
Buy never gives up on propagating the one and only chosen religion


Respect me is to privately and publicly honour me
Respect me is to listen attentively when I speak
Respect me is to honour my desire to be free
Respect me is to stand by me when am weak
Respect is magnanimous that makes you fulfil
Respect is the partner that brings forth Goodwill
Respect is something that has to be ‘earnt'
Yet there are so much to be learnt
There are so many words we tend to say
Given respect doesn't come everyday
But its ordained either way
Its an eternal debt we have to pay
Respect strangers who are Godsends
Respect foes who taught you self defence
For you to live a life of essence
Respect your conscience which tell you what's right
Respect your Lord who is your friend and guide
Respect each peer
Even if it those you actually fear
Respect everyday
For actions reveals your character in everyday
Respect for those you care
Even in there absence they seem near
Respect everyday and night
And in that you shall find your Guiding light
Through it strength and pleasing might .....
You call it respect
I guess its time for me to reflect
You can go ahead and inspect

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Muhammad {S.A.W}
The last of all prophet
He had came to seal the deen perfect
He does it, not out of His selfish interest
His Lord commanded Him
He took up the test

Muhammad {S.A.W}
He  was trustworthy he was called AL- Amin
He took the message, he never toy with His deen
He move both far and within
To peace and show the beauty behind His deen
He taught us to be modest he had always being clean
He never goes beyond the limit
He knew they might lead him to sin

Muhammad {S.A.W}
Just because he was cool
They thought he was a fool
He never gets angry with them he stays cool
He told us not to be angry
We always stay calm

Muhammad {S.A.W}
He was loved for His mind
He thought of his words
Every thought is always kind
He is different from other kind
People like him are hard to find
He was sent as a mercy upon mankind
Teacher of all mankind
Muhammad {S.A.W}
He was in pain yet he never complained
Gone is pain, Gone is fear
Gone is grief Gone are tears
Idle speech you shall never hear
And Muhammad {S.A.W} make up our social sphere


For those who live their life's in humor
With the pain of different diagnosis tumor
For in their wealth the seek for harbour
For those who live in glamour
Often end their lives in horror
They uphold the path filler with terror
They do things to get honour
They look cool and nice at the exterior
But cruelty lies with their interior
Special recognition is what they live for
They never think of the warrior
Who has so much valour at war
Their limited glorious amour
For nothing is left for their endless labour
Fades away at the funeral parlor
I can perceive the smell of their rotten femur
When they take in liquor
They give different interpretation to colour
Because they are already in stupor
And we pretend it could last forever
We found a wonderland,  both lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
They search the world for something else to make them feel like what they had
And in the end they all went mad
I feel bad but yet am not sad
I am the young, happy........., lad
Alone in my wonderland